NanoPEBs are available periodically on ebay and a limited quantity is produced and sold without any regular schedule.
Includes 32k ram expansion, floppy disk emulation off a proprietorially formatted CF card and a single DTE 9pin RS232 port. This port is not software compatible with most original serial programs
- TI Web Browser
- TELCO has been patched
- MassXfer has been patched
- TE2 works out of the box
- Any program that uses DSR access to RS232 should also work as long as it enables the port.
CF7’s are also available on Ebay and randomly..
Includes 32k ram expansion, floppy disk emulation the same as the NanoPEB and a single IBM PC cable compatible Parallel port on a 25 pin connector.
- The parallel port is not software compatible with programs that do not make DSR calls. Using the PIO device works fine in basic and other utilities that use that DSR.
Both the NanoPEB and CF7 file system on the CF card can only be read and written using the software on the author’s site, TIDIR from Fred Kaal or the java application TIImageTool.
Both the NanoPEB and CF7 are unable to easily have their 32k disabled to coexist with other cards that provide 32k. So If you wanted to use one in conjunction with say a TIPI card, you’d need a way to plug both into the side port and only have one enabled 32k card.