TI-99/4A FAQ: Peripheral Expansion Box and boards

Peripheral Expansion Box

full TI-99/4A system
full TI-99/4A system

TI released two versions of the PEB (Peripheral Expansion Box)

      • Original 99/4 model that has a push button switch

        99/4 PEB
        99/4 PEB
      • Later model that has a rocker switch

        99/4A PEB
        99/4 PEB
mythical Beige system with unreleased beige monitor/exp box and hexbus sidecar
mythical Beige system with unreleased beige monitor/exp box and hexbus sidecar

There was a beige colored box in advertisements for the QI models but it was never manufactured or released to the public.

The older PEB (top) has much taller card holders. Also notice that the older PEB has an external fuse which is easy to replace. To see where they hid the fuse on the newer models go here: http://mainbyte.com/ti99/peb_pow/peb_pow.html

Though there were a few small differences both the PEB’s can be used interchangeably.

tall expansion box slots
tall expansion box slots
short expansion box slots
short expansion box slots

The expansion box connected to the 99/4 and 99/4a with the Flex Cable
Interface card installed in slot 1 which included a large black ribbon cable and a large connector that connects to the expansion port on the right side of the console. This was dubbed the “fire hose” by TI owners.

Yes the fan is very loud, here’s instructions to put in a quieter fan: http://www.mainbyte.com/ti99/peb/peb_box_project.html

Great write up with photos here: http://mainbyte.com/ti99/hardware/peb/perf_box.html

What cards are available for the PEB?

Many cards were made available for the PEB including Memory expansion, RAMdisks, CPM coprocessor boards, Pcode Pascal system, Western Digital Hard disk Controller interfaces, SCSI controller, IDE controller, Video controller, Floppy disk controllers, SID99, Speech synth adapter (to hide the speech board in the PEB) and much more.

TI Cards: http://mainbyte.com/ti99/hardware/peb/ti_cards.html

Memory Expansion Model No. PHP1260

        • TI 32k memory expansion
          TI 32k memory expansion

RS232 Interface – Model No. PHP1220

Disk Memory System – Model No. PHP1240

P-Code Version 4.0 – Model No. PHP1270

Flex Cable Interface (connects expansion box to the TI-99 computer side port

3rd Party Cards: http://mainbyte.com/ti99/hardware/peb/3rd_cards.html

Corcomp 32k memory card
Corcomp 32k memory card

Corcomp 32k Card

Corcomp RS232 Card

Corcomp 9900 Floppy Controller Card

Thierry Nouspikel’s IDE Card

SuperAMS circuit card

ICS 32K Memory Card

Rave Speech Synthesizer interface card
Rave Speech Synthesizer interface card

RAVE SPA-01 Speech-in-PEB-Adapter
(with attached speech synthesizer board)


Horizon 256K RAMDisk Card

Horizon P-Gram +

Horizon P-Gram Protoype

Myarc HFDC Winchester Card

Myarc Geneve 9640 Home Computer Card

HRD16 – 16 Bit Highspeed-Ramdisk 16 Bit

Diskette Controller with real-time clock

HSGPL2 – Highspeed GPL Card

EVPC – Enhanced Videoprocessor Card

EVPC2 – Enhanced Videoprocessor Card 2

SGCPU – Second generation CCU Card

SPVMC – Speech and Voicememory Card

ASCSI 2 – Advanced SCSI Card (rev 2)




Vendor sites:

http://www.dsapsc.com/what-is-sid.html (discontinued)



Aquarius +
Aquarius +
Aquarius +




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